The boutique will re-open 1st July

Finally some good news! We were really encouraged by the recent government announcement regarding the plan to allow business like ours to re-open soon and we absolutely can’t wait to see all of our lovely brides again! It feels like it’s been so long… We’ve missed you.
While we’re obviously very excited to get back in, there is a lot to put in place before we can open the doors. However, we’ve been thinking about this for a while and are already preparing now so I can say with confidence that we’ll be able to start hosting appointments again from 1st July. We already have a waiting list so if you’d like to be added to it please fill out the form on the contact page so the team can get in touch. As I mentioned previously, we’ll be prioritising our existing brides’ fittings, then new brides. We’re lucky enough to have multiple buildings on Woburn Walk and we’re working out a rota so we can make sure everyone is safe and socially distanced.
So, let’s be honest. Your experience won’t be the same as it used to be. We’re going to have to keep our distance and we’ll have to make sure everyone who comes in follows certain health and safety procedures. Yes, it’s going to be different, but all we can do is embrace it and go with the flow as I’m sure you’ll agree it’s a small price to pay for everyone’s health. I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge so let’s see how epic and amazing we can make your appointment. Trust me when I tell you we’ll do everything we can to make your experience magical.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Kate & the Halfpennys xxx