Gorgeous Gina | A Halfpenny London bride

Our real wedding articles are my absolute favourite things to write. Each and every one is a privilege to share, but none more so than today’s wedding. Beautiful bride Gina Daniels and new husband James celebrated their love in May this year and their journey was an emotional one, to say the least.
Usually I’d write a little about the couple’s wedding plans and the gorgeous outfit our bride chose to wear but I’m not going to do that. This wedding is beautiful and Gina’s choice of outfit is stunning but that’s not what we’re going to talk about today.
Gina and James had originally planned a big two day wedding party, but after having a baby, enduring subsequent lockdowns and receiving devastating personal news, they realised what was important to them and decided to go ahead with an intimate, low-key wedding in their local guildhall in the old town of Poole. Tragically, Gina’s father became unexpectedly ill with a terminal and debilitating disease and she was devastated when he passed away two days before the wedding. Gina has been brave and kind enough to share her story with us:
“My dad was diagnosed [with Motor Neurone Disease] out of nowhere in November. Prognosis is usually 3-5 years, there is no treatment and no cure (my dad was the healthiest and the fittest man I knew). Dad was gone in 6 months. None of us were expecting him to be gone so soon and those last few weeks were harrowing because dad was suffering so much at this point and covid restrictions were still up in the air.
It was a really difficult decision to carry on with our wedding day as we knew dad wouldn’t be well enough to come and we had already moved the date twice. Dad could no longer talk or do anything for himself but my dad and my step-mum gave their blessing and wanted us to carry on.
The strength of my step-mum and my sisters on our wedding day was incredible. Losing dad two days before was just heartbreaking but dad wasn’t suffering anymore and there was some relief in that. Having dads speech that he wrote before he passed will be something I will treasure always.
It’s so difficult to speak about our day without thinking of dad. I should also mention my husband James who has been so supportive every step of the way and our gorgeous boy Jesse who was a little bald headed ray of light on our special day.”
I have the utmost admiration for Gina and her family. Looking at these pictures, it strikes me how incredibly resilient and open to love human beings can be, even in the darkest of times. I’m devastated Gina and James had to go through this at all, never mind around their wedding day, but the fact that they were still able to celebrate their love for each other is incredibly inspiring.
Gina mentioned they’re hoping to have another celebration with dancing and music next year. She actually missed out on an experience in our boutique during her dress search because of the pandemic (instead having a virtual appointment over zoom!) so she’s hoping to visit us to find a gorgeous new look to dance the night away in. We can’t wait to welcome her!
We all wish this lovely couple every happiness in the future. Gina and James, and gorgeous Jesse deserve the world!
Kate & the Halfpennys xxx
Images by Laura Dean
For anyone who’d like more information about Motor Neurone Disease, Gina has recommended the MND association as a fantastic resource.